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Demand platform - An online platform that connects people with demands to those who can fulfill them.

Trinh Manh Ngoc



"Our mission is to connect your demands with people around the world and make those needs useful and easily accessible for everyone."

"Our mission is to connect your demands with people around the world and make those needs useful and easily accessible for everyone."


Humans, intricate and multifaceted, carry within themselves a multitude of diverse demands. These demands not only drive our quest for knowledge and creativity but also serve as the impetus for continuous growth and development.

Human demands can be categorized into various levels. From basic necessities like food, water, and shelter, to higher-level spiritual demands such as entertainment, education, and aesthetics.

What’s remarkable is that human demands are ever-changing over time and space. They are influenced by many factors, including advancements in science and technology, social changes, cultural shifts, and natural environmental fluctuations. Each individual has unique demands, depending on age, gender, occupation, and living conditions.

To meet these diverse and ever-changing needs, the collective effort of the entire community is essential. In this report, we introduce Demand Platform as a platform that connects people with needs to those who can provide satisfying solutions, creating an ecosystem where everyone benefits. Promote the connection of supply and demand in society, helping society to develop more strongly.

Part 1. Introduction

ChatBigBang is an online platform that allows people around the globe to easily post their demands and connect with those who can fulfill them.

With ChatBigBang, we aim to create a community where people can share and meet their demands efficiently and quickly.

Part 2. Vision

We aim to become the leading platform in connecting supply and demand, not only within a country but globally. By utilizing modern technology and a user-friendly interface, ChatBigBang will be a place where everyone can find solutions to their demands.

Part 3. Benefits of the Demand Platform

Demand Card:

  • Convenience: Demand card is where you can post your demands.
  • Quick Response: Clearly displayed demands make it easy to search and get quick responses.
  • Diversity: You can post any demand, from language learning, services, to specific products.
  • Time-saving: No need to spend much time searching; just post your demand and wait for responses from those who can fulfill it.

For demand responders:

  • Income Opportunity: Use your skills, time, and resources to earn additional income.
  • Skill Development: Continuously meeting diverse demands helps you develop skills and expand your network.
  • Reputation Building: By fulfilling demands, you can build a reputation and credibility within the community.
  • Expanded Connections: Meet and connect with many people from different fields, expanding cooperation and development opportunities.

Part 4. CBB Token

The main currency of the platform is CBB Token, which can be used to purchase premium features on the platform.

CBB is a token developed on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) platform using the BEP20 standard. The BEP20 contract address for CBB is: 0x6493a53923de6080fc9fb4158f92855ca1d8b3c7.

The total supply of CBB is 1,000,000,000 (one billion), issued once on January 28, 2024.

CBB provides a secure and convenient payment method, building a community with trust in Blockchain technology.

Benefits of CBB Token:

  • Easy Payment: Used to purchase premium features and services on ChatBigBang.
  • High Security: Transactions are conducted on Blockchain, ensuring safety and transparency.
  • Community Development: Using CBB helps create a user community that trusts and is connected with Blockchain technology.

CBB Allocation:

  • Project Development Team: 3%.
  • Venture Investors: 97%.
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Part 5. Strong Supply and Demand Connection

Demand platform is not only a place for transactions but also a powerful tool connecting supply and demand in society. When people can easily find and meet each other's demands, social connections, cooperation, and sustainable development will be enhanced.

  • Enhanced Social Connection: The platform helps people from different cultures and countries connect and understand each other better.
  • Encouraged Cooperation: When demands and solutions meet, cooperation and mutual support become stronger.
  • Sustainable Development: Meeting each other's demands sustainably helps develop the community comprehensively.

Part 6. Long-term Development Orientation

  1. ChatBigBang aims to become a joint-stock company registered in Singapore or a Blockchain-friendly country, operating under international and local laws.
  2. The mobile application will be independently developed, complying with the legal regulations of each country and region.
  3. Next, we will release BigBangChain (BBC), reclaim CBB tokens from the Binance Smart Chain network, and convert the corresponding CBB token value on the new Blockchain.

Development Plan:

  • Market Expansion: Gradually expand the market to different countries and regions.
  • Technology Development: Continuously improve technology, ensuring the platform always operates smoothly and securely.
  • Enhanced User Support: Improve support services, making it easy for users to use and enjoy the platform's utilities.

Part 7. Conclusion

We introduce demand platform - ChatBigBang, where connecting and meeting needs not only brings economic benefits but also builds a sustainable developing society. Cooperation and mutual support here will enhance quality of life and foster comprehensive community development.

ChatBigBang believes that with the mission of connecting and meeting needs, we can together create a better world where everyone has the opportunity to achieve what they need and contribute to the overall development of society.

Join us in building a world where every need is met, contributing to the progress and development of humanity.
